Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cologne and Electricity

So I was staring around, trying to figure out what to write for my physics blog when i stumbled across an untouched bottle of cologne that was forced upon me at a Singaporian airport a while back. I realized that if I rubbed my hand against my pillow, giving it a negative charge, and touched the square bottle of cologne, that the electrons would congregate around the edges. Then I realized I was wrong. The cologne bottle was made out of a sort of frosted glass. Glass is an insulator, so the electrons would tend to stay just at the point I touched because the molecules are tightly packed, restricting the flow of electrons.

Who knew so much physics could be derived from looking at a bottle, of unused, lonely, cologne?

P.S - I dropped my camera's memory card in a slot in my computer, so it is now stuck there. I'll post a picture once I can get it out.

1 comment:

kohara said...

something about this entry is hilarious... maybe it's the ridiculous physics you've managed to write about. haha.

yup, i want to see what kind of cologne you wear. post the pic!